High School Sux

Originally Premiered: Saturday, April 24, 2021
Currently available to stream on our YouTube Channel
Produced by James Cougar Canfield, Diane Marie Goldsmith, Clyde Moser, and Michi Walker


Featuring performances by…

Rocco L. Arrigo
Amie M. Bjorklund
Janina Bradshaw
James Cougar Canfield
Alessandra Callegari
Rena Diane Dawkins
Amanda Detar
Yannik Encarnação
Ellen Fierens

Nicole Abarca Powell
Rose Anne Rabut
Luis Ramos
Kayci Rose
Bri Mariano Ryder
Nick Stevens
Amanda Thomas
Michi Walker

Diane Marie Goldsmith
Alan Gonzalez
Brent Knobloch
Brian Edward Levario
Christopher Lyons
Hailey Mashburn
Clyde Moser
Cristina Nakad
Hannah Pipa

With special appearances by…

Thomas Bloom
Evan Boutsov
Rachael Childress
Laura Durant
Irene Gallin

Margaret Gorrell
Julia Labusch
Katie Langley
Kaleb Sells
Marcelo Soldá

Interested in Joining?

Please send us a headshot, resume, and a cut from a selection of music




Moments in the Woods