Originally Premiered: Friday, June 26th, 2020
Currently available to stream on our Facebook
Produced by James Cougar Canfield
Featuring performances by…
Lisa Ashby
James Cougar Canfield
Chandler Converse
Amy Frey
Diane Marie Goldsmith
Kaitlin Gould
Felipe Joglar
Brent Knobloch
Devon Mahon
Brandon Thomas Martin
Clyde Moser
Bonnie Beus Romney
Miles David Romney
Bri Mariano Ryder
Amanda Thomas
Laryssa Schoeck
Bailey Smith
Michi Walker
With appearances by…
Ariel Franceour
Mel Gonzales
Michelle Herro
Nicole Orabona
Interested in Joining?
Please send us a headshot, resume, and a cut from a selection of music